AXIS Q6055 is an advanced PTZ dome that gives you both sweeping overviews and superb zoomed-in detail. Designed for demanding conditions, it’s ideal for surveillance at airports, train stations, arenas, malls, warehouses and factories, anywhere you need fast and precise, round the clock pan/tilt/zoom operation.
Get up close and personal
AXIS Q6055 features 32x optical zoom, which in combination with HDTV 1080p resolution provides superb zoomed-in views of people and objects of interest. For instance, you’ll be able to see the expression on a person’s face from some 100 meters (328 ft.) away.
Analytics protect your bottom line
AXIS Q6055 comes with a long list of built-in Axis analytic applications that allow automatic monitoring of the video feed and help you prevent crime before it happens. Analytics can also help you make smarter decisions about resource allocation and cut down on routine patrols, for example. Our partners also offer a wealth of additional advanced analytics applications that can be integrated into AXIS Q6055.
Sharp images. Low bandwidth.
AXIS Q6055 also features Axis’ Zipstream technology, which significantly lowers bandwidth and storage requirements while preserving high-quality images.